Suchy Kensei Shihan
Okinawakan Goju Ryu Karate Do Kobujutsu Hozon Kai
Nakamoto Kiichi Hanshi
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Okinawa Kobudo Lineage
Listado de algunas Armas Antiguas que aún siguen siendo practicadas por los diferentes estilos (Ryu-Ha) de Ryukyu Kobudo.
1. KON (Kun. Bo)- Vara
2. SAI (Teshaku)
4. TUIFA (Tonfa, Tunkwa)
5. KAMA (Nichogama)-
6. EKU (Eiko, Kai)
8. MANJI SAl (Nuntesu. Nundi)
10. TEKKO (Tetsuko, Techu)
11. TIMBEI (Tenpei) -Escudo
12. ROCHIN (Rosochin. Hera)
13. NITANBO -2 palos cortos (18")
Existen otros utensilios o herramientas que se usaron como armas en las islas Ryukyu, pero este listado es de aquellas armas que más se practican en las escuelas de Kobudo.
Alfiler- Nun = Doble, Shaku= Medida de casi un pie. Dos palos (12’).- Manigueta Hoz- Remo( Nunti-bo) - Harpón,
( Nun= Halar
Te= Mano, Kon Vara)- Manji = SÃmbolo Budista, Sai=Tridente- Vara de tres Secciones- Forma de manopla- Lanza corta- Media Vara (3 pies)
Okinawan Kobudo weapons
There are numerous weapons in Okinawa Kobudo.
They descend from the instruments used Okinawans in their daily life (farmers and fishermen.)
These tools, used as weapons, are about 28.
Managing kobudo weapons requires years of practice to be mastered. Some only they teach at a very high level of skill in kobudo.
The Okinawan Kobudo weapons most frequently practiced are:
This is a stick of oak, loquat, areca or kuba (variety of palm). All are solid wood, originating in the subtropical area of ​​Okinawa.
The average Bo is thicker and becomes thinner towards the ends. These finer tips give you a more pervasive form. Their usual size is 1.83 m.
However, there are other dimensions Bo. Such as the bajojo of about 4 meters.
Since ancient times the Bo has been an indispensable element of everyday life, regardless of class (peasants, merchants, craftsmen, warriors, monks). Bo art born of great use that was given. Indeed, the techniques and kata are especially numerous in relation to those in other weapons.
Kobudo practitioner training begins with Bo its way into the art, and will do all his life.
The Sai is a metal trident. It resembles a dagger, but the blade is not sharp, but conical, cylindrical or octagonal section. Its pointed end serves to pierce, or for throwing. The length of the blade should allow complete protection of the forearm.
The handle is wrapped with cloth or leather for a better grip of the weapon.
Guards in a very particular way, while protect the hand, and divert or block an attack saber or Bo; allowed to break the blades of the samurai sword.
Their pointed tips allow counterattack making wrist movements.
The sai, which is relatively heavy (about one kilogram), should be well balanced for easy handling.
The sai is generally used per pair. With a gun in each hand, you can run a technical defense with one hand and attack with the other.
One third sai used worn on a belt. Served to launch or to replace a broken or lost during the course of a combat.
Los kata "Matayoshi Sai Dai Ni No" and "No Sai Chinbaru" sai run three sais, the third Sai is placed back in the first and later for the second kata.
Some Chinese military introduced this weapon at the time that trade with China was in full swing.
Sai The study involves an important work of the wrist joint.
Tonfa or Tunkuwa
This weapon, better known by the Chinese name Tonfa is usually made of oak, hard and durable wood.
The Tunkuwa measures about 50 cm. in length and it is of cylindrical, square or trapezoidal section. Its length must allow full protection of the forearm. His grip is cylindrical and its length must correspond to the width of the palm.
The Tunkuwa, as it is practiced in Okinawa, is used in pairs. With a gun in each hand, you can run a technical defense with attack and one with the other. In some countries it is equipped to police and security officers of a modern and longer tonfa and different management.
The study Tunkuwa generates great flexibility and great agility wrists. In addition, to keep firmly Tunkuwa along the forearm, during practice, you should exercise an almost permanent strain on the wrist.
This weapon is best known by the public thanks to films of martial arts. Also called "Sansetsukon".
They are two very short sticks, 30 to 60 cms. together by a rope. This could be horse hair braided straw or rice. In some cases it was replaced by a chain to withstand the attack of an edge weapon.
As the Sai and Tunkuwa, the length of the nunchaku sticks must allow full protection of the arm. The length of rope or chain could vary from a few centimeters to several tens of centimeters according to the use to be given (combat or to entangle the legs of a horse).
In the modern nunchaku, the distance between the two clubs, with a taut rope, is the width of the palm. This should be respected, due to the difficulties of managing and dangerous movements for the practitioner.
The operating principle is based on the nunchaku speed and centrifugal force. It is a weapon both very technical and dangerous to handle.
Is a short stick 22 cms. Its handling is completely different from Bo, despite their similarity. Its small size allows very fast movements performed by sliding his hands.
Jo management is done in the form of traditional Kobudo Okinawa. Its use is different from that used in Aikido.
Nunchaku is a kind of three sticks. The sticks are made of wood and have a length of 65 cm. They are connected together by a chain of 7 cm. approximately. Some metal rings to hang chains to increase noise manipulation in order to frighten and distract the opponent.
This weapon is of Chinese origin (San Jie Gun). It is very dangerous and difficult to manage because of their disorder of movement and power generated by the centrifugal force used in their techniques.
The Nunti-Sai and Manji: a kind of spear composed of two elements: a long stick of 1.70 meters. to which inserts a Manji-Sai.
The Manji-Sai resembles a Sai, but the guard is in an "S". When used independently of Nunti, it is done in pairs and placed in the back seat.
That is a weapon to throw.
This weapon was introduced from China and is similar to Western halberd.
They taught only at high levels of practice in Kobudo (from 3rd Dan)
Age sickle farmers in farming. This tool is used as is without modification. The wooden handle has a length of 30 cms. approximately. The steel blade is slightly curved and perpendicular to the handle.
Kama is used in pairs. The techniques include locks and then nailing, or cut through.
There are two particular uses the Kama: sickle with chain (Manri Gusari Kama), invented in Japan and an overweight placed at the end of the chain, and the traditional way of Okinawa where the handle is attached to a long rope which allowed maintain the enemy at a distance, making large circular movements.
The Kama was doing back then recovered quickly around the wrist to rewind the cord.
Due to the edge of the blade of the Kama, its management requires high levels of concentration and skill. So he begins his study after 3rd Dan. Learning can begin with a wooden Kama, but the risk is, paradoxically, the absence of risk. And therefore, it is easily forgotten that the error is not allowed with a real gun. It is advisable, once assimilated the movements of each technique, as soon as possible to spend real guns initially placing the blade protections.
With this weapon ever practiced you should stop since it requires great technical precision.
Is the rowing fishermen. It was used in the conflicts between fishermen and later against foreign invaders. A blow from the flat of the paddle is so powerful that he could behead a person. This same part was also used to throw dust in the eyes of the enemy. The end of the flat portion has a pointed shape.
The handling of this weapon is complicated due to its unbalanced way and then studies the 4th Dan.
Timbe and Seiryuto
The Timbe is a shield done in its origin a turtle shell.
But then they are made of steel or (lighter) aluminum. In the latter case the diameter is approximately 45 cms.
In the inside of the wood Timbe a handle and a strap to hang arm is placed.
The Seiryuto is a machete. The handle is wooden and steel sheet. Length of 60 cms. These two arms are used together. It serves not only to protect yourself but also to hit or push an opponent.
Kue or Kuwa
It is an agricultural tool used by farmers to work the land. Its western similar is the hoe or spade. There has been transformed and used as it was in antiquity.
It consists of a long rope with a weight at each end of it. An alternative is the Kusari Suruchin which is a long chain length about 4 Kusari surrounding the arm was an effective protection against sharp weapons or filo.
Using as a tie, the tie Suruchin allowed the enemy, or immobilize strangle.